When buying a new vehicle, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget about getting the most for your money. Chances are, if you don't have your financing set up before walking into the dealership, you may find yourself spinning your wheels at the negotiating table.
There's a better route to follow. We can help you finance the vehicle of your choice with monthly payments that fit your budget. Whether you are buying a new or used auto, truck or van, you're not limited in your selection. We'll set you up with a competitive rate to help ensure your vehicle is a money-smart purchase.
Before you set foot in the dealership, get your loan pre-approved with us first. Simply apply online, give us a call, or stop in and see us and we'll get the process in motion!
For more information, contact Renee at Renee@membersfirstctfcu.com or by phone at (203) 237-6424 x123.
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Your source to finance your boat, motorcycle, or RV!
Whether it’s a boat, Jet Ski, ATV, motorcycle, or RV, we’ve got financing available for both new and pre-owned specialty vehicles. Complete an application today! Apply online, or stop by and complete an application at the Credit union.
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Getting approved for your loan has never been easier. Simply apply online or stop in to fill out a loan application. You'll quickly receive an answer to your loan request.
Quick Loan to finance your home improvement or repair projects.
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